Sunday, June 04, 2006

So, it has been a while since I have been on here, sharing my posts with anyone who happens to look at my ramblings. (I will acknowledge that there are very few who actually read my rambles, but I like to write them as though someone is reading them.)

Lately, I have been very preocupied with the changes happening in my life. I am currently organizing things at my current job to turn my position over to the person replacing me in a couple of weeks. Aside from that, I have been teaching part-time. I am just finishing a great class at the Unviersity of Phoenix called American Pop Culture. It has been really interesting and fun. We actually meet face-to-face once a week for five weeks. That class ends this Tuesday. Then last week, I started teaching Fundamentals of Communication at the Northwest Arkansas Community College. That will last a little longer, but the students are great. I am really exicited about this group of students. They are interesting and so far seemingly ready to learn about communication.

In my free time, I have been planning trips for The Husband and I. We went white water rafting for our 3 year anniversary and we will be taking a trip to Montana, Idaho and Wyoming this summer. Along with that, we will attend his family reunion and hopefully go to Austin City Limits this fall. Then in December, we will take a cruise. (Teaching part-time can really pay off - that's what allows us to travel like we do. Plus, we do it the cheap way - stay with people or camp out as needed.)

Okay, so here is the question on my mind...why are we (as a soceity) fascinated with mindless entertainment. I mean, I am one of the worst. I absolutely love incredibly stupid movies such as Dodgeball, Anchorman, The Wedding Singer, Tommy Boy, Old School, Strange Brew, Happy Gilmore, Fun with Dick and Jane, etc. Really stupid comedies seem to attract my attention. The thing is, obviously I am not the only one since people keep making these movies and making lots of money from them.

On one hand we have those movies that really make a statement about our lives or have a deep rooted message (which I really enjoy as well), and on the other we have these pointless movies that never win awards because they are strictly entertaining. I just find it fascinating how these movies draw so many in our culture into their grasps. I wouldn't change it for anything really. The Husband and I speak in forms of movie quotes half the time. It is our special way to relate to each other. : )

So, this is my big come back - a pointless message about pointless movies. Wow! I really got it! HA!

1 comment:

aly said...

"Well I have the microphone and you don't...SO YOU WILL LISTEN TO EVERY DAMN WORD I HAVE TO SAY!!"

No, this is not addressed to you personally, my dear friend! But I am such a "Wedding Singer" fan that I had to quote something. Actually, this pretty much sums up the advantage of blogging for me. The only catch being, of course, that while a blogger always has the microphone, so to speak, she may not always have an audience. But ultimately we blog for ourselves, don't we?

Well, I guess I stopped checking your blog just before you really started taking off with it! I had a lot of catching up to do. Otherwise I would have been commenting more regularly, you can be sure. As a fellow blogger I know how important it is to get feedback. Just to know someone out there in cyberspace is reading your stuff and gives a care makes all the difference.

The entry about finding your biological father was especially moving. Thank you for sharing such a personal experience. I cannot imagine what it must be like, having always known both my parents. I'm sure it took a lot of courage to do what you did. Congratulations!

I'm glad you're really getting into blogging--it'll help keep me motivated to maintain my own. As I have confessed in a recent entry, I've been suffering from a major addiction to dabbling and unfortunately it even affected my blog for a while. But my spirit has been renewed by encouragement from friends, and I am determined to post entries on a regular basis now.