Dear readers, I am so sorry I have been gone so very long. For anyone who doesn't know, we are moving o Austin, Texas and therefore, have been hard at work finding a new place to live, packing our belongings, and visiting family and friends whom we won't be seeing as often once we move.
This is actually a very quick post today just to say I have missed posting! That and...
...when I finally get to a point where I can post regularly again, I think the blog will be going in a slightly new direction. Never fail, I will still post my extremely random thoughts, but the primary focus will be based off a book The Husband got for me. It is a "guide" to doing things. Kind of like the Boy Scout patch set-up. You go through the book, accomplish the task, and get yourself a "badge" (although I might have to make those badges myself - maybe in the form of some delicious treat from Sonic...hum...).
I will keep you updated as to my progress and share my tales (if any turn out intersesting). If it goes as planned, maybe you will want to tackle some of the tasks as well.
Hope you all are enjoying your summer (if it is summer where you are)!