Thursday, September 10, 2009

Civility & Politics

Ah, America. Land of the free. Land where we can speak our minds. Land where we have religious and political freedom. Land where we can be rude.

Honestly people. Regardless of your political affiliation (or lack thereof) there should be a certain level of respect for the OFFICE of the PRESIDENT! There is a time and place for civil rebellion, however, our nation is getting to a point these days of rediculousness. The Senator's reaction during Obama's speech is just an example of how out of hand we are getting these days. That was not a forum for outbursts. I encourage lively debate and I think it very important that we have a certain level of cognitive discourse within our political world; however, TIME & PLACE.

On a similar note...I will say, I did not vote for Obama, but I do like him and think that he is trying to work toward his campaign promises. I don't like everything he does. I don't think everything that comes out of his mouth is correct. However, I don't disagree with him on everything either. I hate to say this, but I know many people who will not even really listen to what he has to say because they "don't like him." Sorry people, many didn't like Bush, but when the media or the general public called him names or shut him out, the very people doing that to Obama were the ones who got pissed off. Can't we see the similarity here?

I love being an American and I still believe that we are better off than other countries. At the same time, there are real issues in our society and there are things that need to be addressed. Bickering and fighting will not solve our problems. Everyone (Rep. & Dem.) talk about bipartisanship all the freakin time. When is it going to happen?!?!?! Knee jerk reactions don't do any of us any good. I say this to both sides, to politicians and voters alike!

So, that is my rant for the week...I'm out.

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