Friday, May 14, 2010

Sleep, sweet sleep...where are you?

Do you remember when sleep was a blissful experience where you could just snuggle for hours under the covers and wake up fully rested? Oh how I miss those days! Of course, I am one of those people that LOVES sleep and I think my body really needs a lot of it. I've actually had a doctor tell me that "some people need more sleep than others and I think you might be one of those people that would do best with 10-11 hours of sleep per night." That's a lovely thought, but let's get real. Even before I had The Wee One, that wasn't happening. there was something in the air last night and The Wee One had a rough time of it. She woke up so much and was moderately cranky each time. I know her teeth hurt and I'm pretty sure she had some gas issues....maybe even some growing pains. However, it was exhausting!

On top of that, The Husband was keeping me up with his snoring. I would like to be sweet about it and say that "it's endearing", but I've been married long enough to be real about it - it DRIVES ME CRAZY! Since The Wee One is having her issues, I am in her room most of the night, just trying to get her to sleep, even if that means I have to sleep with her. Even in a different room, I can her him snoring! Good grief!

So, there I am...I finally get her to sleep (fed her a breakfast bar, gave her some milk, and rubbed her legs till she calmed down). To keep her down, I'm laying with her (this is about 4 in the morning so I don't care about my rules of not sleeping with her). We are in her twin bed and she is slowly pushing me off of it. The Husbands noise is drifting in from the other room. My lower back is killing me. I am just not getting any rest. For someone like me, this is just about my living hell.

At this point, you are wondering why I'm not going to bed instead of writing this blog. Well, a simple answer is that The Wee One is asleep and it is easier to blog when she isn't around. Oh yeah, and Dazed and Confused is on. Enough said.


The Bonjour Four said...

i just love your posts! Now get to bed missy!

The Bonjour Four said...

yeah i understand about not posting too many pics. :) at least i can see some on facebook.