Monday, November 22, 2010

Spider Ninja

We had dinner with Momma C (The Husband's mom) for her birthday this past week and I was reminded of a funny story. For reasons that would take too long to explain, Momma C was living with us for a short time when we first got married. This story is about the day she saved us from the creepy-crawly stranger who invaded our home.

So, the house we lived in was a very tiny place with only one small bathroom. In order for things to run smoothly, Momma C usually let us get up, get ready, and leave the house before she got ready for the day. On the day in question, The Husband and I had already left and Momma C was heading to the bathroom to shower.

Now most of us don't think twice when getting into the shower, but as she tells it, she had an overwhelming feeling to pull back the shower curtain and actually look into the shower before getting in. Good thing/God thing.

A good-sized tarantula had decided to hang out in the shower area that day. Momma C totally freaked out and waged war on this unsupecting creature. The Husband got home before me and so he found the note on the toilet that said, "Dead spider - do not look in tub."

Well of course he had to look. Spider bits and legs were all over the place. Apparently, Momma C and not only killed this creature, but completely mutilated it in the process. The Husband described a picture of blood and legs all about the tub. He made sure to clean it all up before I got home.
In her defense, she was doing this for us all. She said she knew that if she just ignored it, it would end up somewhere else in the house and probably scare one of us (most likely me) to death in the middle of the night, and as we never had spider problems again, I claim that the word spread quickly about the spider-ninja in our house.

1 comment:

The Bonjour Four said...!!!! i hate spiders. especially tarantulas. good thing she looked in there. how scary!!!