Friday, February 26, 2010

Bummer to be sick

My baby has an ear infection. Boo! Last night was rough. I mean really, really rough. She doesn't typically sleep straight through the night - usually she wakes up at least once needing water. Sometimes I think we need to break this, but then we do live in a freakin DRY climate and I frequently wake up needing a drink so I don't mind it too much from her (and yes, we do use humidifiers).

I anyway, last night she woke up on a regular basis throughout the night and was not consoled by anything. Most of this was accompanied by down right crying. For note...she's not typically a big crier. She fusses, but she doesn't often just wail. Last night she did.

Needless to say, we felt that warranted a visit to the doctor. So today, off we went to see the doc. Her regular doc was out so we saw one of the other docs at the clinic. I think he actually might have been older than Moses. Regardless, he was very nice and helpful. Listened to my concerns and then checked her out. Yep, red ears. The first wasn't too bad, but when he looked in the second he said "Wow, that's a very, very red ear." Of course her throat was then also inflamed.

Poor baby....she actually had to get a shot. Right on the bottom. I gotta tell you, she did not like that and boy did she ever give the nurse a dirty look. The Wee One has been practicing her dirty looks since she was about 6 months old so I can tell you, it was a good one. She wailed and then fairly quickly got over it as she does with most shots. By the time we left the room, she was walking down the hall, still a little pout, but ultimately fine. We hit Wally-World and Sonic and by the time I hit the house, she was out. Tonight has already gone so much better that I really feel she will be on a quick recovery path. YIPPEE!

1 comment:

The Bonjour Four said...

I totally know the feeling. it's so hard when they're sick. Noah has been sick for almost a week now. We went to the doctor and it was a viral infection.. I was so thinking it would be worse. Anyway we were definitely thankful that it wasn't rsv or strep, but frustrating at the same time that it just has to run its course. And now I have it!

That cracks me up about her giving the nurse a dirty look. I bet she did. I would too. hahaha

HOpe she is feeling much better.