Wednesday, July 07, 2010

NO, I'm not pregnant!

Here's a good one. Recently I was talking to Sister #3 and she mentioned that she and her hubbie are ready to have more kiddos. Currently, they have one precious daughter that is The Wee One's age - 5 weeks older to be exact. Sister #3 goes back and forth between wanting 3 kids and 5. Anyway, she and I have this conversation, and then later that night I sent her a text that could have created a stir of excitement in the family.

That evening, The Husband and I were playing cards with our nephew. The boys were taking so long to play their hands, that I got a little bored and started playing The Game of Life on his iTouch. You all remember this game, don't you? You know, you have the little plastic car with your pink or blue peg in it to represent your gender. As you spin, you go through life events like college, careers, babies, etc. So as I progressed, I discovered I was a Fertile Mertyl. With almost every turn I ended up with a kid. Within 6 or 7 spins, I had had 4 girls and a boy.

Side note: This game is not designed for that many kiddos in one family. After my 4th kid, I assumed I would get a second car since there was no more room in my current car. Nope...I got a boy, but have no idea what happened to him. I guess maybe the game's CPS division decided I was unfit to have so many kids and took him away.

Back to the story....So, given the conversation about Sister #3 having more children, and lots of them, I thought it was funny that I was having all these kids in the game. I sent her a text. After reviewing it the next morning, I realized just how it sounded and why she thought there was something exciting going on. Here was the text: "Apparently I'm playing u in the game of LIFE. Fertile Mertly baby! I better take out some serious life insurance! Any more kids and I have to get a second car." For some reason, I thought that capitalizing LIFE in the text would indicate that it was a board game and not real life. Keep in mind this was around 1 in the morning so my mind was not fully functional.

Therefore, I get a call early the next morning wishing me congrats and wanting to know the story and why I didn't tell her the day before when we were talking about kids. Oops! We had a good laugh about it and I assured her that I am not planning on having more babies right now. I am taking the precautions so if I get pregnant, it is definitely God's plan, not mine. : ) Here' to hoping she has the next newborn!

1 comment:

The Bonjour Four said...

oh my gosh that's hilarious. Love your stories. And, I can totally see how she thought that from your text message. hahaha