Thursday, October 06, 2011

Hodgepodge...almost Wednesday

Keeping up with my goal of getting the Wednesday Hodgepodge done each week, I have read the questions provided by Joyce.

1. What is your favorite meal to serve on a chilly autumn evening?
Though it seems as thought it may be a while till I see fall, I love a delicious roast with mashed potatoes and green beans. Add a slice of homemade sourdough bread and I'm happy has a clam.

2. Are you a creature of habit? Explain.
I don't realy have many habits or routines, however, I've recently come to terms with the fact that I have some obsessive tendancies. I was reading The Help this week and couldn't put it down. I had seen the movie so I knew the main story line, however, I just had to finish it. Therefore, I ended up staying up till 6 in the morning and only getting 3 hours of sleep. That made me think and I realized I do that with a lot of things. It might take me forever to get a project or idea started, but once it is going, I HAVE to finish it. The Husband has had to suffer through show after show of all the episdoes of Psych, Monk, Numb3rs, Quantum Leap because I have this thing about finishing the season once I've started it. At least I'm getting my mony's worth from Netflix.

3. What food product (no longer available) do you remember from days gone by?
Not a clue unless you count the fact that things like veggie burgers are now made in a manner that make them not only edible but at times quite tasty. The ones I had as a kid (thanks Mom) were like eating cardboard with an extra dose of ketcup. By the way, I'm not a huge ketcup fan so it was even worse for me as a kid.

4. What's something you've lost that you've never been able to find? Any theories as to what happened?
Since The Wee One's arrival 3 years ago, we have gone through about 5 thermometers. I managed to find 2 of the lost ones when we moved, but the other 3 are still in limbo. My personal belief is that The Wee One was trading miscellaneous items to the house gremlins in return for an uninterrupted night's rest. I could be wrong, but she does sleep well through the night and were else could those thermometers have gone?

5. Zoo...circus...carnival. Your favorite?
I don't know really. In theory I like carnivals. They always look fun, but when I go to one, I never really do much. I don't like the food, I hate to throw money down the drain on the games, and the rides make me nervous. Zoos can be awesome, but we usually end up at them during the hot summer months and then they just aren't as much fun. I haven't been to a circus since I was about 6 or 7, although I do remember LOVING it. At this point in time, I guess I'll have to go with zoo, but I'm keeping circus on the list.

6. What song makes you feel instantly happy?
Got an immediate answer...I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. I just love it. It makes me smile and I cannot resist singing along no matter how many times I've heard it. It has a special place in my heart because it was super popular right after I'd had The Wee One and when I would get up in the middle of the night to nurse, I would turn on Vh1 to make sure I stayed awake (never could get that laying down nursing thing going). This song was one of 3 that always seemed to play during those early morning hours. When I hear it I think of her and that always makes me happy.

7. To what extent are you an argumentative person?
Probably way too much! I get on the defensive fairly easily. Plus, I am a talker to the extreme so I feel like I have to get my point out there and won't stop until I feel it has been vocalized effectively. It is actually one of my worst traits/habits, and although I do make serious efforts to change, I struggle with this constantly.

8. Insert your own random thought here.
I had a meeting with some people at the institution where The Husband works today about the possibility of starting a peer education group on campus. Although I don't know that they have the time or resources to get it going at this moment, it was so great to get to talk about an area that I love so much and possibly plant the seed for them to get a group started. It's just so wonderful when you can share your passions with others.


Paula said...

1) Roast sounds delic
2) While it is a little obsessive it is better than having 47 unfinished projects.
3) I had no idea veggie burgers existed when you were young.
4) LOL this makes me think of you and Julz in college.
5) The Wee One will love the circus
6) I didn't know this
7) Really? Surely you jest. Teeeheee
8) They totally need you to do this for them. You are amazing with peer education.

Prairie said...

Response to it missy! I'll be up there this weekend and I'll give you a piece of my mind. ; )