Friday, November 04, 2011

I pose a question to you...

I saw this on a friend's Facebook page today and it made me stop for a second. It is an interesting thought. There are large groups of people who support pro-life campaigns, but who would also be the first to condemn homosexuality. It poses an interesting thought to think that the life you are fighting to save may grow up to be something you despise.

In no way am I condemning either side of this issue (either issue actually). I am a strong believer in people's right to have a difference of opinion because I know that these opinions stem from values and who am I to say that your values are less important than mine. However, I do find this question to be interesting because it proposes a value contradiction for many.

How many things in our lives pose value contradictions? If you have ever read First Things First by Stephen Covey you were most likely convicted that you frequently live a life of value contradiction. There are realities of course. In our society, you must have money in order to live. How much money you have and how you live is very relative. However, most of us have to work to have that money. The catch is that the vast majority of us would not say work is the most important thing in our lives. Most of us would say things like our faith, our families, or our friends. But when you get down to reality, how much time and effort do we make for those things that are "most" important to us verses how much time and energy/effort we give to our jobs? We can rationalize it out easily. I work hard at my job to benefit my family. Yeah, yeah...I've said it too and there is some truth in it. However, it still creates a value contradiction for your life.

So, this week/weekend....take a second and think about what value contradictions you have in your life. Are there things you can change to make your values and actions/opinions fit together better?

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

I enjoy your Blog and your wisdom. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.