Saturday, July 21, 2012

Memorable moments

Have you ever noticed how the most embarrassing moments often end up being your most memorable?  The other night I was visiting with a friend and found myself recounting one of my most embarrassing moments and I had to chuckle.  Partially because the situation was so bizarre for me, and partially because it has stayed with me so vividly through the years.  So enjoy a quick laugh and I hope it's not too disturbing to anyone reading.  hahaha

This little tale involves my grandparents who are now in their late 80's.  This was about 7 or 8 years ago so they were in their early 80's at the time.  Let me give you a little background on my grandparents...

My grandfather was a military career man - 30 years in the Army...a retired colonel, a West Point graduate...and is a rough-around-the-edges know-it-all.  My grandmother is a slightly head-in-the-clouds, stereo-typical 50's mom.  So hopefully you've got an image in your mind of these two.  Also, let's keep in mind that they are MY GRANDPARENTS!

So - 7 or 8 years back, The Husband and I came to Austin for Christmas.  We were spending Christmas Eve with my family at my grandparent's house and then heading to his family's for Christmas Day.  December 23rd, my grandfather comes to me and asks me to drive him to the mall so he can get a present for my grandmother.  I think, "How sweet that he wants to get her something special, even if he did wait till the last minute."  Oh my...

We go to Beall's (the department store of choice for those over 65) and he tells me, "I want to get your grandmother and nice nightgown."  Cool - no problem.  I walk him to the ladies section and start showing him a few items.  Here's what I'm thinking...

"Nope, not what I'm looking for - I want something sexy for her."  This is when I start to get a little freaked...seriously.

At this point, the sales associate has noticed us and comes to offer her assistance.  "May I help you find something?" she asks, ever so innocently.  My grandfather says, "I sure hope so.  I want to find something sexy for my wife." 

She looks at him quizzically, kind of giggles and leads him to the same types of items I had shown him.  "What do you think of this?"  

"Not what I'm looking for.  I want to find something super sexy for my wife."

The associate and I both have expressions of total freaked-out humor if you can have such a thing.  Let me say, it's cool if they still have a sex life - go grandparents - but I DO NOT WANT or NEED to know about it.  So...we show him some "sexier" items...

"Still not what I'm wanting.  I want SEXY!"

Finally, I get what he's really wanting and it is not something that I would have EVER thought I would purchase with my grandfather...for my 80 year old grandmother.  We eventually left the store with a garment that was something like this...

Trust me my friends...these are memories that last forever.


Paula said...

This is so funny!!! I wonder if the sales associate thought you were the wife. LOL. I agree that while we don't want to think about "that" happening with our grandparents it is good that they are still into each other. Go Grandparents!!!

RB Ditt said...

I almost had tears in my eyes! Too Funny! But I agree, this is a memory that you will never forget! mmmmmmmmmmm, come to think of might want to keep this around and let your grandkids read it! :)